Most commonly asked questions
Below are a number of question I get asked. However if there is something you would like to know that is not mentioned below please don't hesitate to get in touch.
How do I order?
1. Choose your keepsake. (Don't forget to add weighted option for keepsake animals if required).
2. Add any personalised information in the notes before checking out.
3. Decide on what clothing you would like to be used.
4. Post them out to me once I have contacted you with the details of where to send.
5. Once received I will notify you of their safe arrival.
6. I will send you an update when I am about to work on your keepsake.
7. Once your keepsake is complete I will message you again to inform that your item has been posted and provide a tracking number
What is the difference between a memory bear and keepsake bear?
They are the same item however keepsake bears are usually made from clothing to remember a special events or milestones. Most popular are using babies first outfits, school uniforms graduation and work clothing. Memory bears are made using clothing from a loved one who has passed away. These clothes could be something worn to a special occasion to something they wore continuously. Whichever bear you choose, both will be made with love and care till it is returned home to you.
How many items of clothing do I need to send?
For keepsake animals I need 9 - 12 items of babies clothing. I can use bibs hats and socks, please send these in addition to the clothing. If using adult clothes one shirt or dressing gown. If you would like more of a pattern then send extra items. For cushions using babies clothes I need 8 items as i can usually get 2 squares from 1 item. you can send up to 16 if you would like each square to be different. Adult clothes I can use 1 item or as many as you would like to use.
What types of clothing can you use?
I am able to use most types of fabrics when creating your keepsakes, however there are a few that are not suitable. Thick items such as thick wool jumpers, thick denim (soft denims are fine), some thicker leather and with fur with thick linings are among a few to list. Please take note of any fabrics with large patterns or spaced out patterns as some may be difficult to display due to the size of the pattern pieces of the keepsakes. If you are unsure of what you have is suitable then get in touch as usually a quick picture of the item sent to me can clarify for you.
When and where do I send my clothing?
Once you have placed your order I will be in touch to answer any questions, confirm your details and check any personalised information to be added to you keepsake. Then once I am ready to work on you I will contact you with details of where to post your items.
Can you make keepsakes from pet items?
Yes I have made quite a number of keepsakes using mainly dog blankets bed and toys. I have also been able to incorporate pet fur, ashes and photographs. Any of the keepsakes i offer will be suitable for you l
I don't have many items of clothing what are my options?
I can make any of the keepsakes using the small amount of clothing you have. I can then incorporate a complementing fabric to make up the difference. Send me a message to discuss.
Can my keepsake be weighted to match my babies birthweight?
Yes absolutely! Bears and dog keepsakes weight up to 9lbs and lions up to 8lbs. Just add the weighted option to your order prior to making your purchase, If you decide to add this afterwards make the weighted purchase and send me a message so I can link the two orders together.
Can I have any word on my mama sweatshirt/hoodie?
Yes I can use whatever word you prefer and as many letters or numbers as you want. For example Mama, dada, nana, mummy daddy, dates of birth numbers and even football clubs! Please note that the more letters used the smaller each letter will be to fit into a 12" long embroidery hoop. Also please use items that have small patterns close together rather that larger spaced out patterns as these will be more difficult to fit into the space provided.
What sizes of sweaters and hoodies do you offer?
All items of clothing rage from a Small to a 2Xl and are available in 28 different colours. I also have sizes 3XL - 5Xl in limited colours; WHITE- BLACK - RED - NAVY - SPORT GREY - ROYAL BLUE.
Can I wash My Keepsakes?
Recommended aftercare instructions for animal keepsakes: Wipe with a slightly damp cloth. Animal keepsakes are not suitable for machine washing due to the amount of stuffing inside. Aftercare instructions for sweatshirts and hoodies: Wash inside out on low heat setting. Preferably air dry or tumble short period on gentle heat. Iron on inside using low to medium iron setting. To iron on front place a piece of fab0+
What is your current turn around time?
For Keepsake animals it is 8 to 10 weeks and for sweatshirts and hoodies 2-4 weeks. If you have any questions about your order then please drop me a message.
I want to give a keepsake as a gift do you do gift vouchers?
Keepsakes make the perfect unique presents to anyone to celebrate or to help through grieving. I offer gift vouchers for any of my keepsakes. Please contact me by sending a message and I will get one personalised just for you.
Are your keepsakes suitable for children?
Due to being unable to test my Keepsakes they are sold to be used for display purposes only. Not suitable for children under 14 unsupervised. They are not toys to be played with.
What Pattern do you use?
All my keepsake animals patterns are made using the designs from Funky Friends Factory.